Best Mexican weight loss pills


Last Updated on November 16, 2022 by madison

There are a variety of factors that can determine who has a greater propensity towards obesity. For instance, American women seem to have a slightly higher risk of obesity than American men. Additionally, race can play a part as well. Adolescent Mexican Americans and African Americans are at a greater risk of becoming obese.

A poor diet that is high in fats, cholesterol and sugar as well as a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to a person becoming overweight and obese. Recent scientific studies have also located a “fat gene” that seems to cause a person to be predisposed to obesity and being overweight.

There are a number of effective diet aids available. However, recently, some Mexican diet pills like Acxion have gained popularity.

Phentermine or Acxion is illegal to order online. So why is America’s most popular diet pill in the black? It’s 100-percent illegal to get a Phentermine online without an in-person, or virtual face-to-face consultation with your doctor . So that basically rules out… hmm… every online pharmacy that’s selling Phentermine or Acxion without prescription.

Here are two choices:

1. Get ripped off. First you could order Phentermine from a generic pharmacy site based in India or Panama (but they pretend to be in the U.S), and then get ripped off when they send you fake pills full of concrete dust or a placebo.

2. Find an alternative. Play it smart and look into Phentermine alternative diet pills. We have affiliate relationships with many companies who say their pills are the best, but only few of them provide good hunger suppression. Of course it doesn’t work for every single person who uses it, but I’d say a good percentage of customers get results.

Best Mexican diet pills & their alternatives

1. PhenQ


Review: PhenQ is one of the most popular, widely successful dieting supplement with various positive user reviews and one of the best over the counter alternatives to the Mexican diet pill Acxion. It comes with multiple weight loss mechanisms in one pill to help you shed off some extra pounds and gain your preferred body shape.

Currently, this appetite suppressant pill is getting the most raving reviews, lately and getting increasingly popular among the consumers.

Overall, PhenQ is a much safer thermogenic fat burner which works similar to ephedra and does not have any side effects. In fact, it’s kind of Ephedra and Phentermine combined in one product.

PhenQ incorporates all natural ingredients that makes it a very effective Phentermine alternative product for weight loss, and it has ideally gotten rid of the negative side effects that have been associated with the previously popular diet pills.

PhenQ ingredients

PhenQ ingredients include:

  • Calcium Carbonate – 625 mg
  • Caffeine Anhydrous – 142.5 mg
  • L-Carnitine Tartrate -150 mg
  • A-Lacy Reset – 25 mg
  • Nopal – 20 mg – 3 mg
  • Piperine Extract – 3 mg
  • Chromium Picolinate – 80 mcg
  • Capsicum Extract – 8mg

PhenQ is manufactured by Wolfson Berg LTD – reputable industry leaders when it comes to the formulation and manufacturer of health supplements.

PhenQ’s performance and the abundance of successful user stories and reviews being posted over the years can be attributed to its powerful blend of ingredients, as well as the various ways through which it is formulated to operate.

This is one herbal alternative to phentermine diet pills that will not only help you to suppress your appetite so that you don’t pack more calories into your body, but also will allow you to melt away fats by boosting your metabolic and thermogenic rates, eliminate the production of fat cells, and transform your life, daily mood and energy levels.

Side-effects of phentermine led to a rise in a number of natural amphetamine-like “phentermine alternatives” and a number of clinically proven herbal ingredients that are now available over the counter, online and even in stores like Walgreens, GNC, CVS etc. The best part – they don’t have adverse side effects, unlike phentermine/amphetamines for weight loss. And based on user reviews & ingredients profile, PhenQ is probably the best, as of now.

Consumers should not that you can’t buy authentic Phentermine pills over the counter, the only way to get this drug is with Phentermine prescription. Buying Phentermine online from any illegitimate source is illegal.

However, you may consider using safe Phentermine/Adipex substitutes like PhenQ and with similar benefits and fewer potential side effects than the actual drugs.

2. Redotex

In general, when an American mentions the phrase “Mexican diet pills”, there’s a huge chance they’re speaking of brand name Redotex, a weight loss supplement brand that’s only trademarked in Mexico since it’s not FDA-approved and therefore, can’t be sold in the U.S.

Redotex diet pills feature a blend of five potent active ingredients: Tri-iodothyronine, atropine, diazepam, aloin, and D-norpseudoephedrine.

Nevertheless, the brand is legal in Mexico so Americans can simply cross the border and find it in local pharmacies and stores. However, that might not be the best idea, and here’s why.

Redotex ingredients

  • L-triiodothyronine
  • D-nor pseudoephedrine
  • atropine sulphate
  • alona
  • diazepam

Tri-iodothyronine is a synthetic thyroid hormone that may be useful because weight loss is a common side effect of thyroid therapy.

Diazepam, a benzodiazepine, has a depressant effect that is likely used to balance the stimulant effects of the other components.

Aloin is a laxative, whereas d-norpseudoephedrine is a stimulant. The chemical d-norpseudoephedrine may also work because stimulants are known to promote weight loss as they boost metabolic rate.

On one hand, Redotex may be useful for quick weight loss. However, the risks might outweigh the benefits on this one and it might be too risky. One of the riskiest techniques to cause weight loss is Redotex and there aren’t enough long-term research to support its benefits. Every medical choice should not only look at the possible benefits, but also consider if it’s worth the risk. In case of the Redotex Mexican diet pills, the stakes are too high. Overall, Acxion is relatively safer option as compared to Redotex.

Apparently, Redotex pills are more of a detox medication. One of the issues with the ingredients in Redotex was that they could interact with other medications. One user stated that their blood pressure had dropped so low they would black out every time they stood up. Another says that as soon as you stop taking the pills again you gain the weight back on!

3. Lean Optimizer

Review: Lean Optimizer is currently the MOST comprehensive weight loss pill available in the marketplace. Period!

Although, NOT as popular as PhenQ, this product is an all-natural and powerful weight loss supplement that not only targets your appetite, but also your “weight controlling hormones” –leptin and ghrelin and can lead the way to comprehensive weight loss success.

However, keep in mind that the formula doesn’t contain caffeine, so if you are looking for a product with stimulating effect of caffeine, this might not be for you. However, it has other ingredients that target “serotonin” stimulating 5-htp etc. to target the appetite suppression.

Lean Optimizer is generally safer and side-effects free product than other stimulants-based fat burners.

With this formula, you’ll be able to torch the excess calories so that you can develop a slimmer and better figure. Those who use this formula are able to maximize their effectiveness by using it with a solid and effective workout routine and a healthy diet.

Lean Optimizer ingredients

The ingredients list is so comprehensive, it’s a good idea to check out for yourself on the official website of Lean Optimizer. Dr. Sam Robbins explains all of the ingredients mentioned on the label –

Doctor formulated, contains Natural Ingredients & Herbal Extracts to naturally help optimize & enhance “fat burning” hormones and faster metabolism… Resulting in more energy, decreased belly fat & reduce appetite + cravings. Lean Optimizer is a thermogenic fat burner with NO added caffeine, NO ephedrine, and NO diuretics, utilizing the Synergy Optimizer technology.


  • Doctor formulated
  • Manufactured in USA in an FDA complaint facility (NSF & GMP Certified)
  • Contains Earth-Grown Organic, Non-Gmo Natural Herbs & Extracts
  • Lab tested for Purity & Potency.
  • Science based dosages.
  • Contains no stimulants
  • Diverse ingredients- Lean Optimizer is an “all-in-one” formula , in a small convenient pill… that works like “5 products in 1” to help
  • Dramatically decreased appetite & cravings
  • Increased metabolism & higher energy levels
  • Faster fat-loss in stubborn areas (belly, legs, etc.)
  • Improved fat burning hormones
  • No stimulants, jitters or energy crashes.
  • Available without prescription


  • Expensive
  • Only available on official website

Its formulation is very unique in the market as compared to other products on the market. This one features ingredients that you can feel confident in adding to your daily lifestyle and your hormonal approach towards weight loss.

Even though the “theory” of losing weight is simple – eat less & exercise more – in the REAL world, it doesn’t work because your body is fighting against you. To not change!

Your body is designed to survive, by adapting to any situation.

That’s why Lean Optimizer™ is CLINICALLY PROVEN to work – safely, quickly and LONG-TERM because of its 14 clinically proven ingredient and a SIX-MODE “fat attack” system.

The World’s Only 6-Mode “Fat Attack” System

  • 1- Metabolic Optimizer System
  • 2- Appetite Neutralizer System
  • 3- Thyroid + Energy Maximizing System
  • 4- Insulin Sensitizing System
  • 5- PH Alkalizing System
  • 6- Delivery Enhancer System

4. BioGenetic Laboratories Meratrim Platinum+

Meratrim Platinum+ by BioGenetic Laboratories is one of the best weight loss pills at GNC and Vitamin Shoppe.

It is marketed towards women as a weight loss supplement (hence the cheerful woman in the advertising).

If you’re a guy and your ego will allow it, you can still take Meratrim Platinum as none of the ingredients are sex hormone specific.

In other words, you won’t have to worry about your testosterone levels if you take this supplement.

Meratrim Platinum+ has a very simple yet effective formula.

Its two primary ingredients, Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana, both have scientific backing as you’ll find in this article published in the Journal of Medicinal Food.

Its other two ingredients are L-Carnitine and Green Tea Extract.

The jury is still out on L-Carnitine for weight loss although it is found within many pre, intra, and post workout supplements because of its suggested muscle building benefits.

Green tea has been hailed as an all-around health aid and studies have demonstrated its effectiveness for weight management.

5. Phenemine

Review: Phenemine is an over the counter appetite suppressant, which boasts of being 100% safe, effective and systematically designed to replicate the effects of the Adipex and Phentermine weight loss drugs. Phenemine Elite 37.5 white/blue tablets is a proprietary grade slimming Appetite Suppressant containing unique ingredients like the nootropic Phenylethylamine and synephrine etc. that supposedly promote extremely strong and potent weight loss effects, yet very safe, aggressive and balanced expedited weight loss results. The problem with this product is that it promises visible results in an extremely short time frame. Reducing your weight so fast may bring about serious health conditions, so the real effectiveness of Phenemine is doubtful. Overall, the product is rated 3.5 stars on eBAY and seems to be working for some people, while others complain about the side effects like nausea, vomiting, and acid reflux.

Trim Nutra Phenemine Elite HCI 37.5 mg extreme fat burner ingredients – Phenylethylamine HCI, Theobromine anhydrous, 3,7 dimethylxanthine, N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine HCI, Synephrine HCI.

Phenethylamine is employed for athletic performance, depression, weight loss, and to improve mood and attention, but there is no good clinical data to compliment these uses.

Theobromine can improve energy levels and help reduce bloating and inflammation — which means it may help control your appetite & cravings. Synephrine is comparable to ephedrine in mechanism, which means synephrine could probably induce fat loss by increasing our fat burning (for fuel), and escalating heat expenditure, thus basically boosting metabolism and burning more calories.

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