PremierZen Platinum 5000 is a male sexual enhancement product that is formulated to help support male sexual function.
This product is made using all natural ingredients which ensure that users get to have a boost as well as ensure there is no side effect felt by users. This product is made in the USA, though the product manufacturer and website do not disclose the website that makes the product.
The product formulation is done in a state of the art facility where the ingredients in the product are blended and condensed into tablets that users can take with ease.
According to the manufacturer of the product, this is an amazing product that helps users enjoy a boost in overall sexual function in the body. It has also been shown to help support strong elections. This product also claims to help boost energy levels in the body.
This helps boost user%u2019s overall performance in bed as well as in workouts. The manufacturer also claims that this product helps enhance penis size as well as boost libido which helps users enjoy explosive orgasms which helps men get a boost in their general sex confidence levels.
PremierZen Platinum 5000 ingredients include –
- Tongkat Ali %u2013 This Ingredient is a well-known aphrodisiac. It has been shown to help boost overall levels of semen as well as offers a boost in libido levels.
- Maca Root %u2013 This is a plant that comes all the way from the tropical mountains in Peru. IT is used to give the body a boost in the levels of testosterone as well as enhance energy levels in the body. It has also been shown to give users a boost in overall sexual stamina and function.
- L-Arginine %u2013 The use of this product is quite beneficial as it helps boost the flow of blood. This also helps boost overall sexual function in the body.
- Vitamin B 12 %u2013 The function of this vitamin cannot be understated as it helps promote a boost in the levels of semen in the body.
- Zinc %u2013 This is a supplement that is commonly used in male enhancement products. The use of this supplement has been shown to be linked with a boost in the production of testosterone on the body.
What are the Benefits of PremierZEN Platinum 5000?
The main benefits of making use of this product includes:
- It has been shown to help increase sexual function by users
- It helps increase the volume and quality of semen
- Men using the product get to enjoy an improved confidence as they are certain that they will perform well
- This is labelled as a dietary supplement thus users need no prescription from a doctor to make use of the product
What are the Drawbacks of PremierZEN Platinum 5000?
- The downside of making use of this product include:
- Users can only buy the product off the product website and no other place stocks the product or is authorized to stock the product.
- The specific amount that is found in each ingredient is not given
- There is little to no details offered about the manufacturer of the product
User Reviews
Review 1
This stuff turns you into super man.. very good especially if you need to prove a point.
Review 2
Fake. DO NOT BUY!!
Review 3
Awesome product I’ve had great success
Review 4
works ok
Review 5
Best sexual enhancement pills there is! Amazon quick delivery and processing of my order is amazing and first rate!
Review 6
This pill gives you a headache and you have body aches very bad for 3 to 4 day if your ok with that then take it
Review 7
Very dangerous do not dut
Review 8
This product does not work. Only selected a star because the review required one. The product didn’t deserve the one star I gave it. I don’t understand how 60% of the reviewers said this stuff works. Gave some a friend, and he agreed that this product was worthless. I think the reviews that rate this product as being great are a bogus review.